Alpha-Phonics Blog Editor Note: Although this article originated in 2015, we only recently came across it. Since the question asked is of much wider interest now in 2020 than when it first ran, we felt it very worth seeing it now. We feel it is an outstanding post and compliment Mom For All Seasons on it.
Well, actually…the jury is still out on that one.
No, seriously though. I hear this quite often when I tell people that we homeschool our children. They just can’t fathom how or why someone not only survived, but thrived in public school would choose to homeschool her children.
The answer is quite simple really.
God has led our family down the homeschooling path, and He didn’t lead my parents down this same path. You see, everyone has a different journey in this life. God places each of you where you are for a divine reason. It doesn’t matter if he calls you to homeschool or calls you to be a public school teacher, as long as you are seeking His will for your life, you’re doing right.
Reluctantly, I gave in and gave the standard new homeschooling mom answer, “Fine, God! I’ll homeschool for one year, but after that, they are going to public school!”
Four years later, I’m still alive {most days} and my children are still homeschooled, and I love it. Seriously, homeschooling my children has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.
When I think about my life as a homeschooling mom, I realize all that my parents missed by sending me to public school.
16,380 hours.
That is the number of hours that I spent in public school. The number of hours that my parents missed of my childhood. The number of hours I was in the care of someone who in no way loved and/or discipled me the way my parents could’ve.
They didnt see the look on my face when long division finally clicked.
They didn’t see my eyes light up when I discovered something I was truly passionate for.
They didn’t hear me read my first words.
They were there for me every evening when I came home, but look at what they missed during the day.
They didn’t get the chance to talk with me about those “hard” topics before my peers introduced me to the world. Not because they didn’t want to, but because in public school, kids grow up much faster than intended.
Hear me out here, my parents are incredible. I couldn’t have asked for a better childhood.
And yes, it’s true. I went to public school and I turned out fine, but friends, God has led us to homeschool and I am so thankful, because I don’t want to miss one single moment of my sweet daughters’ childhoods.
Time is fleeting, moms. If God is calling you to homeschool, know that He is wanting to pour out more blessings on you than you can imagine. Ignore what the critics are saying. Open your hands and your heart and embrace the gifts God is giving you.
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