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Tag Archives: new crisis in typing style
Why Microsoft Word Now Considers Two Spaces After a Period an Error
SMARTNEWS Keeping you current Why Microsoft Word Now Considers Two Spaces After a Period an Error Traditionalist “two-spacers” can still disable the function Some maintain that two spaces between sentences make paragraphs easier to read; others vehemently disagree. (Getty Images) By Katherine J. … Continue reading
Posted in After a period: is it better with 1 or 2 spaces after a period, Microsoft has new typing style rule, New Microsoft style:Only 1 space after a period, Typing: Need 2 spaces after a period?
Tagged 1 or 2 keystrokes at end of line?, Do you prefer 1 or 2 spaces at end of line?, does end of sentence spacing affect comprenshion affect, new crisis in typing style, what is your typing style?
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