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Category Archives: Ancient Chinese wore big hats to prevent gossiping
Why Are Some Kids Thriving During Remote Learning? Answer: seems like Homeschooling really works!!
Michael Austin / Theispot DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Why Are Some Kids Thriving During Remote Learning? Answer: seems like Homeschooling really works!! Though remote learning has brought many challenges, some students seem to be thriving in the new circumstances. What can we … Continue reading
Posted in homeschooling, How come some newly i minted homeschoolers doing so well?ersool kids, Pandemic-Caused Homeschooling seems to prove home ed works!!, Pandemic-caused Homeschooling: How come many are thriving?, Phonics, Reviews of Alpha-Phonics, Some Pandemic-forced homeschoolers are thriving
Tagged Alpha-Phonics used by Pandemic-caused homeschooling families, Less "clatter" in Pandemic homeschools is good, New Pandemic homeschoolers getting more sleep!!, Pandemic created homeschoolers like the unstructered pace, remote learners like their new schooling
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China Implements ‘Social Distancing’ Hats for Elementary Students
China Implements ‘Social Distancing’ Hats for Elementary Students Primary schools in eastern China are making students wear physical distancing hats in the classroom inspired by a style worn by ancient Chinese government officials, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on Monday. The hats … Continue reading
Posted in Ancient Chinese wore big hats to prevent gossiping, In China long history of hats to keep people separated, Social Distancing: wear big hat to keep people away
Tagged Chinese schools open but wear face masks, Chinese schools: wear wide headgear to void coronavirus, Chinese sudents in school but 3 feet apart
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