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Category Archives: Activities to improve reading comprehension
Welcome to Homeschooling, America!
Parents: Now that you will likely be homeschooling your children, you can learn how to cover teaching READING very easily by going to the links below at the end of this post: Welcome to Homeschooling, America! By Michelle Fitzpatrick Thomas From: … Continue reading
Posted in Activities to improve reading comprehension, how Homeschool Parents taught 4 kids and are debt free, how to Homeschool even if it is only for a few weeks, Veteran Homeschool Mom Welcomes ll the "NEW" homeschoolers"
Tagged Homeschooled boy graduates with a 2 year college degree alreadydegree, Psents homeeducte four kids and are debt free, the many benefits of homeschooling
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Reading Rockets: Using Think-Alouds to Improve Reading Comprehension
Reading Rockets Using Think-Alouds to Improve Reading Comprehension By: Roger Farr, Jenny Conner Students need to think while they are reading. By using modeling, coached practice, and reflection, you can teach your students strategies to help them think while they … Continue reading