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Author Archives: Meg Rayborn Dawson
Chicago Public Schools educator’s short film sheds new light on the art of old-fashioned cursive writing
Chicago Public Schools educator’s short film sheds new light on the art of old-fashioned cursive writing “A Sisterhood of Signatures” showcases how four young girls bond through the lost art of good penmanship. By Evan F. Moore Mar 5, 2020, 4:05pm CST … Continue reading
WORLD LANGUAGES 4 Activities to Boost Target Language Vocabulary Acquisition
WORLD LANGUAGES 4 Activities to Boost Target Language Vocabulary Acquisition To give his students repeated exposure to relevant vocabulary terms, the author relies on a tried-and-true tool: index cards. By Anxo Otero January 24, 2020 redsnapper / Alamy Stock Photo The … Continue reading
New York State dropped the requirement to learn cursive writing in public schools in 2011.
New York State dropped the requirement to learn cursive writing in public schools in 2011. Should students be required to learn the skill again? More States Add Cursive Writing Back Into Curriculum By Michael Woyton, Patch , Bedford-Katona, New Jesey, Staff … Continue reading
Coronavirus May Lead to “Mass Homeschooling”
Coronavirus May Lead to “Mass Homeschooling” According to Kevin Carey of the New America think tank, who spoke to The New York Times, coronavirus in the US could lead to “a vast unplanned experiment in mass home-schooling.” Friday, February 28, … Continue reading
New Oklahoma school standards could add biological evolution and expand on climate change
New Oklahoma school standards could add biological evolution and expand on climate change by NURIA MARTINEZ-KEEL Published: Sat, February 29, 2020 1:05 AM Updated: Sat, February 29, 2020 1:25 AM People begin to march from City Hall during the Oklahoma City Climate Strike event, … Continue reading
Why The College Admissions Scandal Hurts Students With Disabilities
EDUCATION Why The College Admissions Scandal Hurts Students With Disabilities March 14, 20198:02 AM ET Heard on All Things Considered CLARE LOMBARDO The college admissions and bribery scandal revealed that some were taking advantage of a system meant to help students … Continue reading
Research on early college high schools indicates they may pay for themselves in the long run
Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education: Here is an idea you may not have heard about: Research on early college high schools indicates they may pay for themselves in the long run Study found higher cost but more college degrees … Continue reading
Reading Rockets: Using Think-Alouds to Improve Reading Comprehension
Reading Rockets Using Think-Alouds to Improve Reading Comprehension By: Roger Farr, Jenny Conner Students need to think while they are reading. By using modeling, coached practice, and reflection, you can teach your students strategies to help them think while they … Continue reading
CHARACTER EDUCATION Why Do Students Plagiarize?
CHARACTER EDUCATIONWhy Do Students Plagiarize? One teacher addresses plagiarism by examining the underlying causes such as a lack of confidence or time management skills. By Allison Berryhill July 23, 2019 SmitBruins / Twenty20 It’s happening again. I feel the sentence structure at a subdermal level and know … Continue reading
CHARACTER EDUCATION Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Students of All Ages
CHARACTER EDUCATION Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Students of All Ages With Random Acts of Kindness Day approaching, here are five easy ways to promote kindness across all age groups. By Laura Lee February 4, 2020 Updated February 6, 2020 Photo by … Continue reading