Encouraging Children to Explore their World

Inside every child lives a budding scientist.

Each has his unique set of tools,

a specific environment,

and some degree of nourishment.

It is our responsibility to apply a balanced amount of guidance.

As we observe the child and the child observes us, we will each learn the needs of the other.

Parenting is an art.

Growing up is an art.

Figure it out.

When we stop to listen to a child, we will be rewarded with the most interesting of facts. This is your child reporting his scientific findings.

I like the idea of recording the findings.

Some day this record will be priceless.

Here are some examples:

Brain Freeze Remedy

My granddaughter was eating a smoothie. She stopped for a minute and made a very angry face. Then she smiled and asked me, “Do you know why I made that mad face?”

“When I’m mad my face gets red, and it makes me hot. It actually makes my brain feel warm when I have a brain freeze.”

The Snail and the Strawberry

“Grandma, wake up! I got a snail. Maybe he’ll come out of his shell.”

“I think they like vegetables.”

So she gave him a strawberry.

“Look! He’s coming out.”

He maneuvered across the counter and dragged that shell to the top. Yes, he does like strawberries.

Rainbow Squiggles in the Swimming Pool

“Look, Grandma, there are rainbow squiggles. Can you touch them?”

“This is how you touch them. You go down and put your hand on the bottom of the pool.”

“They show up there because we’re in the pool and it’s water. When sun reflects on the pool it makes a rainbow because the pool is water. Water and sun is what makes a rainbow. Like rain and sun, water and sun.”

My advise?

  1. Open your ears
  2. Show interest
  3. Guide with questions
  4. Record
  5. Publish

Imagine the Scientific journal that is waiting to be published by you!


by Meg (homeschooling mom of 9)

MS, Exceptional Student Education (Univ. of W. Florida) emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis

MA, psychology (Grand Canyon University)

Bachelor of Arts (Northwest Nazarene University)



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About Meg (homeschooling mom of 9)

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