Stepping on Legos & Parental Problem Solving

The little ones are finally asleep.

I tiptoe from their room, being careful not to let the door creak. I choose to leave the lights off. Must not wake them. I need to sleep tonight. Working my way to the kitchen for my Sleepy Time tea. Then …


Legos. Have you ever stepped on them with bare feet? Then you know.


Unfortunately, that, “Ouch!”, was not suppressed.

It is quickly followed by, “Mommy, I’m thirsty.”

In my experience, children falling to sleep the second time, after waking from a short, deep sleep, has always been more difficult than the first. So…

Lights on. Milk for toddlers. I begin picking up the Legos. “Why is my house always so messy?”

“There’s got to be a way to fix this.”

The words of an elderly neighbor man still ring in my ears, “There’s a school-bus stop near you. Your best solution is to put your children on that bus.”

My solution was a different one.

I stuck by my decision to homeschool, and decided that this is a place where “give and take” comes in. Looking back, the “give” was great (nearly endless sacrifice), but the “take” has been much greater.

Revisiting my decision, remembering pros and cons, rededicating myself, and (yet another) prayer for help and guidance.

That’s how I handled the messes.

by Meg (homeschooling mom of 9)

MS, Exceptional Student Education (Univ. of W. Florida) emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis

MA, psychology (Grand Canyon University)

Bachelor of Arts (Northwest Nazarene University)


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About Meg (homeschooling mom of 9)

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