From home schooling to co-ops

From home schooling to co-ops, students are learning in new ways in this COVID-19 world

Nancy DeGennaro

Murfreesboro Daily News Journal

In a COVID-19 world, education is going to look a lot different.

Although there are students who will be attending school in person, nearly half of those enrolled in Rutherford County Schools will be distance learning. And about 350 students registered to participate in home schooling.

There are a variety of avenues for teaching children. Here’s a look at some of the ways children will be learning this year.

Distance learning facilitation

The timing was right for Michael Shirley to take over facilitating the distance learning for his two children and three other students who belong to his employees at Family Pet Health Animal Hospital, where his wife is also a veterinarian.

The former high school teacher broke his leg two weeks ago, so he’s unable to drive. At the same time he was worrying about how to get his children to school, his employees were “nervous and unsure” about what to do with their children for the 2020 fall semester.

So he volunteered to take the helm.

From left, Noah Bilodeau, Mahayla Shirley, MJ Shirley, Allison Fisher and Campbell Shirley look at a book on physics during a distance learning session.

“Consistency is the key to learning, and the best way to provide that is to do it at home. I know we’ll be here no matter what,” Shirley said. “I can provide grade-level instruction for the kids and keep them safe, too.”

Students won’t be required to sit in front of a computer the entire school day but will have access to live and recorded sessions, and will have daily assignments.

Shirley said he knows teachers will have a lot of extra work on their plates. So he hopes what he’s doing will help them, too.

“I think every teacher in Rutherford County is going to feel like it’s their first year of teaching,” Shirley said, “where you feel like you’re drowning all the time, at least for the first semester.”


Boys & Girls Clubs of Rutherford County is offering a hybrid program at the Murfreesboro and Smyrna units, in addition to the normal after-school care.

“They’ll bring their devices and headphones, and we’ll have staff to help them,” said Kelly Davis, director of operations for the BGCRC.

Distance learners will have their own wing of each site and there will be opportunities to move around and do some socially distanced physical activities when they get breaks.

Murfreesboro’s 20 spots are filled but there is a waiting list. Smyrna has a few remaining spots. There’s a $40 registration fee, and weekly cost is $85 and includes after-school care. Call 615-893-5437 for details.

Learning center

Whether you’re officially home schooling and need to bolster your child’s skills in certain subjects or your student is enrolled in school or distance learning and needs extra help, tutoring at places like Huntington Learning Center can help.

Tutoring is offered in reading, writing, math, study skills, phonics and vocabulary. Students can also find help with test preparation for the ACT, SAT/PSAT, ASVAB, GED and various high school entrance exams.

Services are offered online or in person, with COVID-19 safety guidelines in practice.

Huntington is at 2821 Old Fort Parkway in Murfreesboro, and hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Call 615-624-9033 for more details.

Home schooling

Home-schooled children are required to have 180 days of instruction, and at least four hours per day. Grades and attendance must be recorded and turned in to the state.

Families can be an independent home school and must report directly to the local school district. You can also participate in a church-related umbrella school, which takes care of record keeping. Children can also be enrolled in an accredited online school. Information on these avenues can be found online on the state’s website at


Village Co-op, based in Murfreesboro, is a combination of both a tutorial and a cooperative home-schooling option, explained founder Jessica Nelson.

“A tutorial is like a micro-school, where children are dropped off and taught by educators that are hired by the program. Students may go one or two days, and classes are chosen a la carte,” Nelson said.

A co-op is “more organic” and forms when families get together and decide they want to teach kids together. Parents do all the organization and teaching, Nelson said. And there are a lot of subjects to choose from: art, theater, language, science and even robotics.

So it’s all hands on deck with Village Co-op, where parents share in duties of the program. Village Co-op hires teachers who are educators or professionals in subjects they teach.

Candy Roberson teaches students physics at one of Village Co-op's science classes.

“We wanted the community aspect of a co-op matched with academic excellence,” Nelson said. “And we are fortunate to be in an area where we are surrounded by higher education. A lot of times those professors are excited to teach in a home-school environment.”

Nelson said she’s had a lot more families reach out to Village Co-op this year because they are moving to home schooling or want to supplement distance learning. Others have moved to a home-school teaching model due to public schools’ focus on testing instead of teaching, Nelson said.

For the foreseeable future, Village Co-op will be online only, with plans to return to Boys & Girls Clubs of Rutherford County, Murfreesboro Unit on Jones Boulevard. Visit to learn more.

If you’re not able to participate in Village Co-op, Nelson said there is a wealth of online resources, courses and information to supplement your independent home schooling.

More:Homeschool registration climbs by 85% in Rutherford County


After home schooling separately since their children were in kindergarten, three local moms got together last year to form Fusion Homeschooling Tutorial.

Classes are taught by teachers who have experience in public schools and follow all the state standards, co-founder Kim Olson said. “They teach a lesson on Thursday and then they will give assignments throughout the week for the students to work on.”

Parents drop the children off for in-person classes, and online classes are available as well.

“When they are here, they are in a learning pod, around six kids. They travel to their outdoor classroom, then we go have picnic lunch on the front lawn,” Olson explained. “They play distance games, then they go back to their classes with the same kids.”

Because of COVID-19, in-person classes are looking a little different this year. Students meet outside and are socially distanced, with other sanitizing practices in place, especially if children must attend class inside due to weather.

Students are broken up into smaller groups and meet on alternating weeks in person, then meet online via Zoom on weeks they are not gathered together. Instructors also are available with “office hours” to meet virtually if students need help.

“By the end of the year (students) will have done everything they would have in a public school,” Olson said. “It’s the full curriculum so parents don’t have to supplement at home.”

Families can pick and choose which classes to take or enroll in the entire curriculum of offerings. This is helpful for parents who feel confident to teach English but maybe not math, Mumpower said.

Later in the year, when safety protocols can be relaxed, Fusion Tutorial will offer enrichment classes such as language, art and theater.

For information on in-person schooling, visit Online learning information can be found at

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