Homeschooling dad comes home from….
Though he’s glad to learn that a homeschooling pastor and his wife have been released from prison, an attorney and director of global outreach maintains that the Cuban government violated the couple’s human rights to due process and the direction of their children’s education.
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) attorney Mike Donnelly reports that Pastor Ramón Rigal and his wife, Adya, were both thrown into jail over a year ago for refusing to send their children to public schools. The couple was certain their two children would be indoctrinated there with communist ideology and atheism, so they enrolled them in a distance-learning program administered by a Christian school in Guatemala. Adya was released in April, and Pastor Rigal was released June 25th.
“He’s very glad to be home with his family,” Donnelly shares. “He was able to celebrate his 20th anniversary with his wife this week. And they are homeschooling; they’re continuing to educate their children at home. And right now, because of the pandemic, they’re not being bothered.”

While there are many reasons to celebrate, Pastor Rigal’s future is uncertain. He is out of prison on probation, and he does not know the terms of the release.
“It’s unclear what the conditions of that probation [are],” the attorney relays. “It’s possible that when things get settled and the schools reopen, if he continues to homeschool he could get in trouble again.”
Meanwhile, the United States Senate is considering S.R. 215, a resolution that calls on Cuba to give more freedom to its citizens.
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