Concerned Virginia Homeschool parents claim unanimous Court win

homeschooling teenage girlHome schoolers have won a big victory in Virginia thanks to a couple of parents who took on a school district that wanted more information than it deserved.

Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) attorney Peter Kamakawiwoole tells OneNewsNow the Virginia Supreme Court unanimously ruled that home schoolers Kirk and Kristen Sosebee had the right to refuse to give the Franklin County School District their children’s birth certificates and proof of residency.

“They could have submitted what the district wanted them to do, but they were very concerned by the fact that the district was A.) taking it upon itself to add to the requirements that are in the law, and then B.) threatening to prosecute them if they didn’t meet the district’s policy,” Kamakawiwoole reports.


The court also clarified that local school boards can only adopt policies in order to regulate public schools, not home schools.

“There’s no authority in any of the statutes — home school statutes or general public school statutes — that allows school boards to supervise home schools other than the specific things that are listed in the [state] statute,” the HSLDA staff attorney explains.

He says the decision also means that more than 500 other home school parents will no longer have to comply with this demand.

About Peter Watt

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