New Jersey Adopts New Sex-Ed Standards That “Promote Abortion and Push Sex on Kids”

New Jersey Adopts New Sex-Ed Standards That Promote Abortion and Push Sex on Kids

 STATE   MICAIAH BILGER   JUN 10, 2020   |   12:08PM    TRENTON, NJ reports the board voted 8-4 in favor of the standards last week. The plan for sex education outlines what should be taught at each grade level from kindergarten through 12th grade.

According to the NJ Spotlight, parents repeatedly have spoken out against the changes and held several protests during board hearings.

Several board members also criticized the changes, including Andrew Mulvihill. One of his problems is that the new standards present abortion as a legitimate pregnancy option.

“I don’t think teachers should be telling kids that one of the things you can do if you get pregnant is to have an abortion,” Mulvihill said during a May 3 board meeting. “There are a lot of people who fundamentally believe that is not something that should be taught.”

According to the new plan, by the end of eighth grade, students should be taught about “pregnancy testing, the signs of pregnancy, and pregnancy options, including parenting, abortion, and adoption.”

For high school students, the standards are similar, but the plan adds that students also should be provided with “medically accurate sources of information and local services that provide … pregnancy options (including parenting, abortion, safe haven, adoption, and prenatal care).”

It is not difficult to guess what one of those sources may be. Planned Parenthood, the billion-dollar abortion chain, quickly praised the board’s adoption of the new standards, claiming they were modeled on the “gold standard of sex education.”

SIGN THE PETITION: Stop Infanticide! Stop Abortions Up to Birth!

Many New Jersey parents disagree. Board member Mary Elizabeth Gazi said she has heard from many concerned parents about the sex education changes, according to NJ Spotlight.

“This is personal and I may not be popular for saying it, but I have gotten the message loud and clear from a lot of parents,” Gazi said. “When a student is taught something in school that undermines the core values that a parent is trying to instill, to me that’s a problem. That’s a big problem.”

But State Education Commissioner Lamont Repollet said parents can opt out their children from certain sex education classes, NorthJersey reports. Repollet said local school boards also can choose what curriculum to use.

The state Board of Education wants school districts to implement the new standards by the fall of 2022.

Shawn Hyland, of the Family Policy Alliance of New Jersey, called the board’s decision a “gross failure of responsibility.” He said children are “continually being oversexualized,” and parents are rightfully upset.

“The decision of the NJDOE to adopt age-inappropriate extreme sexual content is a gross failure of responsibility,” Hyland told the local news. “Tragically, schools have become obsessed with graphic sexual lessons and reading assignments that promote unhealthy and risky behaviors.”

His organization is raising awareness that, under state law, parents have the right to opt out their children from any part of health classes.

Monica Cline, a former sex education instructor with Planned Parenthood, told Breitbart that the abortion chain is “cleverly high jacking the injustices of other populations to silence opposition to their sexualized agenda for our youth.”

“As Planned Parenthood, and its children, SIECUS, Answer & Advocates for Youth, slowly oppress our youth with vulgar deceit, they also target parents, families, and people of faith in the hope of alienating and minimizing their role in their children’s lives,” she said. “Parents and leaders must stop the hyper sexualization movement that aims to federally mandate their dangerous standards that objectify and place our children at risk of sexual coercion and life altering health risks.”

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion group in the United States, aborting more than 340,000 unborn babies every year. The abortion chain also teaches sex education in public schools across the country, and promotes risky sexual behavior to vulnerable young teens at its clinics.

In 2014, Live Action release an undercover video series showing Planned Parenthood employees encouraging young teens to participate in sado-masochistic sexual activities, including gagging, whipping, asphyxiation, shopping at sex stores and viewing pornography.

LifeNews also reported Planned Parenthood’s booklet for HIV-positive youth, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” tells young people that it is their “human right” to not tell their partner that they have HIV.

The abortion giant also publishes multiple “resources” for children and teenagers concerning sexual activity. These materials claim to provide “age appropriate” sex education to children starting at age 4.

About Peter Watt

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