Loss of funding behind anti-homeschooling attitude
With most public schools ending the school year in lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News reports that parents in several states want to homeschool now and perhaps in the future. But some school systems are resistant to that.
Schools in several states are telling parents they cannot withdraw their children from public schools to homeschool instead, but Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) attorney T.J. Schmidt says they do not have a legal leg to stand on.
“They absolutely cannot prevent a parent from withdrawing a child,” he tells OneNewsNow. “Obviously a parent does have that fundamental right to direct, control the upbringing and education of their children. And certainly when it comes into the realm of education, a parent has the freedom to choose.”
Schmidt believes there are several reasons some school officials are resisting this development – fear of losing funding being a big one.

“If there is a rash of people pulling out to homeschool … they are going to be potentially losing future revenue,” the attorney explains. “So I don’t think it’s as much the revenue concern for the end of this school year, but definitely I think there is a concern from some school officials about possible funding levels for next year.”
Schmidt adds, though, that in his experience, when school officials are contacted on this sort of matter, they are responsive in correcting the problems.
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