Wisconsin families benefiting greatly from school choice programs

Wisconsin families benefiting greatly from school choice programs

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

 | Bob Kellogg (OneNewsNow.com)  More18

Choose Your School WisconsinWhat is considered the very first parental choice program in the U.S. has just celebrated its 30th anniversary.

The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program was created in 1990 to help low-income parents who didn’t have the financial means to send their children to private schools. Over the years, it has benefitted thousands of K4-12 students who reside within the Milwaukee Public School District. According to Choose Your School Wisconsin, the school voucher under that program for the coming school year (2020-2021) is $8,300 (grades K-8) and $8,946 (grades 9-12).

Two other school choice programs followed the Milwaukee program: the Racine Parental Choice Program, which began in 2011; and the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program, which began in 2013.

Justin Moralez is Wisconsin state director for the American Federation for Children. He summarizes the skyrocketing growth in the number of children benefiting from school choice programs across the Badger State.

“In Milwaukee, the program has grown from just 300 students to serving nearly 30,000 in Milwaukee alone. Statewide, you’re looking at around 50,000 people,” he adds.

Moralez anticipates interest will remain strong. “Demand continues to be high, and I believe that you’ll see continuous parent involvement and interest in best options for their children,” he tells OneNewsNow.

Since 2011, the legislature has eliminated the enrollment cap for the Milwaukee and Racine programs and increased the income eligibility threshold to 300 percent of the federal poverty level. The state also offers special needs scholarships, and permits parents to deduct private school tuition on their annual taxes – up to $4,000/student (K-8) and up to $10,000/student (9-12)

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