- The Upsee Harness at work!
‘When my son was two years old, I was told by medical professionals that ‘he didn’t know what his legs are and has no consciousness of them'”, said Debby Elnatan, an Israeli mom. This is a tough thing for a mom to hear. Debby couldn’t bear doing nothing about it however, and she put her mind and imagination to work. The result was the Upsee Harness. It has just hit the market and is seeing and immediate and enthusiastic response. Read more of this story at the link below and then consider if you know anyone who could benefit from this wonderful invention. I wouldn’t be surprised if you did! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1HfyUStrww The Harness of Hope, (The Daily Mail)
Bill Gates Wants to Know You Better
The Gates Foundation has released a study that highly encourages the aggregation of all the bits and pieces of personal data that is stored in the hard drives of local, state, and federal agencies. The Foundation especially sees tremendous value in being able to track the careers of young people as they move from their college careers into their working lives. If this information was amalgamated in one government site it would be accessible all at once, sort of a “one stop shopping spree” for those who want it. The principle goal would be to eventually determine the value of higher education. Of interest is the fact that the study, called “College Blackout”, particularly slams one organization for its opposition to the idea: the National Association for Independent Colleges and Universities. The report claims that the NAICU is opposed to the idea because it would somehow hold its member institutions “accountable”. The NAICU counters that on the contrary, such a system would permit a massive invasion of privacy. Invade our privacy? The government? Such cynicism! To learn more: “What the devil?! Bill Gates wants your college info so he can tell you what classes to take” (Catholic Online)
Gates Foundation Lobbies for Feds to Collect Data on College Graduates’ Lives (Breitbart)
The College Blackout (PDF of the report itself) Want more? Try this.
Another Great Review of Alpha-Phonics!

Lisa of “Our Simple Kinda Life”
Once again, a mom has proved something we’ve known and appreciated about Alpha-Phonics for a long time: it can correct the wounds left by some non-phonics reading systems. Her child was a good reader until his public school taught him his way was all wrong and he would have to learn all over with the “right” way. This left his confidence shattered and took the joy out of reading. When we asked her to do a review of Alpha-Phonics, we didn’t know her back story. What a pleasure it was when we read the account of her experience! If you’ve ever wanted to know if Alpha-Phonics works, this is the review to read. Drop by her blog, Our Simple Kinda Life, read the review, and then enter her giveaway now!