A Parent’s Guide To Homeschooling
This process can be overwhelming for a lot of parents who are trying to navigate how to do this with their children.
Public school may be the only option for some parents, but it is not the only option for all parents. There are various different types of schools out there. There are private schools, Catholic/religious schools, boarding schools, and even Montessori-based schools. However, if none of those options look good to parents, they may decide to go a completely different route and homeschool their children. However, this process can be overwhelming for a lot of parents who are trying to navigate how to do this with their children.
That is why we have compiled a guide for parents that includes the basics that every parent should know about homeschooling before they go on this adventure with their child.
Let’s start with the basics and discuss what homeschooling is. According to Parents, homeschooling is seen as a “progressive movement” that is catching on across the US and the rest of the world. It simply means that parents educate their children at home instead of sending them to a more traditional place of learning. There are many reasons why a parent would choose to homeschool their child, and it could range from dissatisfaction with the current school systems or the belief that their children will do better learning at home.
When it comes to the legality of homeschooling, this is where it can get a bit confusing. That is because every state has different requirements when it comes to homeschooling. An overview of the different requirements by state can be seen on this website. The good news is that in almost the entire US, parents do not need an education degree to homeschool their children. Some states will ask for things like portfolio reviews or standardized testing, while others have few requirements for homeschooling.
The Pros
When making any decision, it is always wise to list out the pros and cons and discuss how they will work for your child and family. According to The Home School Mom, there are a lot of benefits to homeschooling. One of the biggest benefits is that academic learning is flexible and it can work with a child on their learning, and they can work at their pace. Traditional school systems go on a curriculum, and this could mean that the classes are moving ahead to the next subject even though a student may be struggling with the previous one still.
Another obvious benefit is that the child is going to get more one-on-one attention. It can be challenging for any teacher or professional to meet the needs of every child because they have full classrooms and up to 30 children to teach and provide for. Being homeschooled means your child gets all the focus from you, and they can be helped at a more intimate level. It is also a great way to prioritize a lot of the important ways of learning that traditional schools just do not have the ability to do. There is more time for play, exploring, and creative learning.
Just as there are benefits, there are also drawbacks that are important to take into consideration. According to The Pragmatic Parent, one of the biggest concerns about homeschooling is that there may be difficulties in learning how to socialize. It is important for children to interact and socialize with children their own age, and when they are homeschooling, they do not always have this opportunity as much. Even if they have siblings of similar ages, this type of socialization is not the same. Socialization while homeschooling is not impossible, but it may involve more work for mom to make sure her child has those opportunities and it is worth taking into consideration
Homeschooling is also going to put a lot on mom’s plate, and while moms are willing to do anything for their child if they feel it is best, it is important to realize that this is going to take more organization on your part. Moms are already incredibly busy with life, and it is important that you take this added load into consideration when making your decision.
How Much Does It Cost?
One of the benefits of public school is that it is paid for by taxpayer money, and other than supplies and the odd field trip, there is not much cost involved for parents. This may make mom curious about what the cost is when it comes to homeschooling. This is another tough question to answer because the amount is going to vary, but we can give estimates and averages.
According to Kiplinger, homeschooling is not cheap and the average cost of homeschooling one child is $700 to $1,800 every year. This can include the costs of the curriculum, school supplies, field trips, and any other activities that you need to implement into your child’s learning. Considering one parent needs to be the one teaching their child, their income is likely going to change. They may have to quit their job or cut down on hours, or if they are going to hire a tutor to teach their child, that is another cost to consider.
Can They Go To College?
Another concern that may be holding a parent back from homeschooling is if their child can apply to college later, and how hard it may be. According to Khan Academy, the good news is that homeschooled students do not need a GED or a diploma to apply for college or even to apply for financial aid. Parents just have to make sure that they declared their homeschool education met the state requirements. This is something else that will rely heavily on which state you live in, and what their requirements are for homeschooling.
One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of colleges like a letter of recommendation from external teachers, and not from the parent. If your child has had any special “guest” teachers or instructors, consider asking them for letters of recommendation. Homeschooling has a lot of things for parents to consider, but if it works for your family your child could thrive in this learning environment.
Sources: Parents, World Population Review, The Home School Mom, The Pragmatic Parent, Kiplinger, Khan Academy
Americans didn’t plan on a national experiment in homeschooling and other education innovations. But the Pandemic and floundering public schools are a great inducement to take the plunge.
The following is a series of informative articles in addition to the article above which can help parents who are considering alternatives to Public education:
As Teachers Unions and Bureaucrats Battle, Families Choose Alternative Schools
Public Schools Are Losing Their Captive Audience of Children
Once Marginalized, Homeschooling Hits the Mainstream
Pandemic-Forced Homeschooling Is Winning Converts
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