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Author Archives: Meg Rayborn Dawson
The Special Reading Group & Phonics Cards for Christmas?
In 1955 Rudolf Flesch published his book, “Why Johnny Can’t Read”. He blamed the reading programs of the day. He explained that English is an alphabetic language, and that in order to learn to read efficiently students must learn to … Continue reading
Posted in education, education reform, homeschooling, Phonics, Reading, Reviews of Alpha-Phonics, schools, teaching, tutoring
Tagged Alpha-Phonics, Anna Gillingham, Homeschooling, How to Teach Reading, phonemic awareness, phonics, Phonics or Whole Language??, reading, Samuel Blumenfeld, systematic phonics, teaching reading, Teaching Reading in the Homeschool, you can teach your kids to read at home
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Inventing the Alphabet – A Sound Symbol System of Writing
Why is Phonics called Phonics & What does this Have to do with Reading Instruction? It is not difficult to guess that the word phonics is connected to the Phoenicians, but what is the significance of this and how does … Continue reading
The Savant who Knew his Mother’s Love
Joe and I are different from other people. We just accept things when God puts them before us. It’s like accepting what you have to do in life. Things come at you, and you don’t say, “Am I going … Continue reading
I have been teaching reading for over 40 years, and it is only in my recent history that I have heard about children with dyslexia diagnoses. And I hear of them at an alarming rate! I responded by taking on … Continue reading
Illuminating the Brain and Watching it Read
Up to the year 1870 there was no physiology of the [brain] hemispheres. They seemed to be out of reach of the physiologist. In that year the common physiological methods of stimulation and extirpation were first applied to them. Ivan … Continue reading
Bringing up girls: Biology and behavior
Gender differences, pt. 2 (girls) DR MICHAEL NAGEL Whether you have a boy or a girl you may have wondered what science can tell you about the role of the brain in shaping your child’s behaviour. In this two-part … Continue reading
Posted in education, father daughter relationships, homeschooling, Phonics, raising girls, Reading, teaching, teaching girls, tutoring
Tagged Homeschooling, Sugar and Spice and All things Nics, systematic phonics, teaching reading, Teaching Reading in the Homeschool, Why Johnny Can't Read, you can teach your kids to read at home
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Why boys wrestle, play fight and fidget
Gender differences, pt. 1 (boys) DR MICHAEL NAGEL Whether you have a boy or a girl you may have wondered what science can tell you about the role of the brain in shaping your child’s behaviour. In this two-part series … Continue reading
Posted in activities for boys, boys are fidgety, boys are made differently from girls, child development boys vs girls, education, fathers and sons, homeschooling, How boys learn, Let boys be boys, male differences, male's amygdala larger than female's, Phonics, playful aggression, Reading, rough and tumble, schools, teaching, teaching boys vs girls, testosterone in boys development, the male brain, tutoring
Tagged boys need their dads, fathers and sons, Homeschooling, homeschooling boys, How to Tutor, systematic phonics, teaching boys to read, why dads are important for boys, you can teach your kids to read at home
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Book Review: How to Tutor Reading, Writing & Arithmetic (by Samuel Blumenfeld)
“It is not necessary to have had formal teaching experience to become a tutor. If you have enjoyed reading to children and answering their questions, then you should enjoy tutoring. With the proper instructional materials, anyone who enjoys children can … Continue reading
Phonics Saves a Struggling Reader — She’s now a Global Change Agent
“Unfortunately, I not only know about the reading problem in our schools, but I am well aware of how it feels to be labeled a reading failure. Feeling is a lot more acute than just knowing.” Mary didn’t start out … Continue reading
Posted in Dyslexic No More, education, homeschooling, Intensive Phonics, Jane & Sally, Mary Burkhardt, Phonics, Reading, teaching, teaching phonics, tutoring
Tagged Dyslexic no more: Saved by the ABC's, Phonics or Whole Language??, Samuel Blumenfeld, systematic phonics, Teaching Reading in the Homeschool, Why Johnny Can't Read, you can teach your kids to read at home
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