Learning to Play Again – Adding Imagination to your Homeschooling

Pretend play, it seems, is under attack from a fast-paced digital world. Maybe it’s time to start changing that.

Prior to the electronic invasion of our homes, it was not uncommon to encounter a wide variety of play activities. Building blocks, paper airplanes, trains made from cardboard boxes, paints and crayons, dress-up wardrobes, Fisher Price’s Little People sets and more. I think it’s time to bring these activities back into our homes!

Imagination, creativity, social and emotional development, language and communication skills, thinking, learning and problem solving, and physical development, are among the benefits of pretend play. 

Five reasons to encourage pretend play (Therapies for Kids Website)

1. To encourage imagination & creativity 

  • Builds a child’s ability for flexibility and then creativity.
  • How to think for themselves.
  • Helps children understand another point of view.






2. Supports social & emotional development 

  • As they pretend to be different people or control objects, they are practicing social and emotional roles of life.
  • They learn how to walk in someone else’s shoes – often mum or dad.
  • Develop self-esteem and self-awareness.
  • Learn how to recognize and respond to others feelings when involved in group imaginary activities.

3. Improves language and communication skills

  • They learn new language that they might not encounter every day.
  • It’s fun and provides opportunities for discussion.
  • Gives them control and can help decrease anxiety as language becomes more familiar.
  • They have to communicate their thoughts to others – an essential social skill.

4. Develops thinking, learning, and problem-solving 

  • By the nature of pretend play, children are presented with problems and scenarios to solve or plan.
  • How to cope/change when something doesn’t go to plan in a game.
  • Develop their memory.
  • Abstract thinking – when an object/person takes on a different meaning.

5. Enhances physical development: 

  • Often physical – e.g. being an aeroplane, climbing ladders as a fire fighter, etc.
  • Fine motor skills developed while feeding and dressing a doll.
  • Learning about rough and tumble and limits.

How to encourage pretend play: 

  • Play together face to face so your child can copy your gestures/pretend actions.
  • Follow your child’s lead – play with things your child is interested in.
  • Keep it simple – repetition is fun.
  • Take turns – the play becomes a “conversation.”
  • Choose the right toys.
  • Introduce new ideas when they can link ideas together – e.g. if they like to play with cars, take them to the mechanic.

Benefits of pretend play: 

  • Allows you new ways to connect with your child
  • You can follow their lead and join in with their interests.
  • Motivating and connecting for all involved.
  • Helps your child think symbolically.
  • Develops critical thinking.

Toys for pretend play:

  • Vehicles (not just for boys!)
    • Common in children’s lives – so good for simple pretend.
    • They can put a driver in and go to the mechanic.
    • Use a shoe box to make a car/bus.
  • Playdough – In early play, make simple/familiar objects. Later, make food for the tea set, make roads, etc.
  • Costumes and props – old hats/shoes/scarves/coats. Bags/briefcase/boxes for store/shop, etc.
  • Favorite stuffed animal or doll – great for feeding and pretending real life situations.
  • Puppets – moving parts help them come to “life.”
    • Encourages joint/peer play in older children.
  • Blocks and Lego – initially might build simple and familiar objects (e.g. house/car). Later might “pretend” that individual blocks are something real (e.g. a bed/food for animals, etc.).
  • Toy food/dishes/groceries – initially feed the animal, later then a restaurant, have a tea party.

edited by Meg Rayborn Dawson

MA, Exceptional Student Ed (University of W. Florida)


Did you know every year many 1,000’s of parents teach their own children to READ? Many of them have used  Alpha-Phonics because they have found it can easily be used to teach their children to read. Your Kids can make a lot of headway in only a couple of weeks with this proven program.  Alpha-Phonics is easy to teach, is always effective and requires no special training for the Parent.   It works !  And it is  very inexpensive.  You CAN DO it !!  Follow the links below to know all about the time-tested (38 + years) Alpha-Phonics program:

Posted in building blocks, creative play, education, homeschooling, Phonics, Reading, schools, tea party, teaching, tutoring | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Deaf Mother Teaches all her Children to Read with Alpha-Phonics! (testimonial)

“I know you have many people tell you that your program does work, but how many DEAF parents have told you?”

Six years ago, my older daughter Chayah was taught using your Alpha-Phonics book and she learned to read at age 4. Today she collects books such as John Grisham’s novels (her best liked books), Nancy Drew; The Boxcar Children, Smithsonian magazines, and she read almost the entire library in my living room. There were times I didn’t think some books would interest her but she read from first page to last page in every book. Even rereading them. She reads books like The Complete Book of Food and Nutrition by J.I. Rodale (I always thought these books were for adults but she proved me wrong). This week she is reading “The Beautiful Mind” The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash.

My five year old son, Ru, just read the entire book “The Fire Truck” to a neighbor who didn’t really think he knows all the words. She demanded to know what kind of program I use to teach them. She is spreading the word.

I wanted you to know that your program does really work and I have been trying to convince many friends and relatives that it was a mistake for them to use other programs to teach their children how to read. All of them were impressed by our children’s (ages 10, 5 and 2- the two year old is recognizing the sound symbols) ability to read.

I know you have many people tell you that your program does work but how many DEAF parents have told you that even a deaf parent who teaches children with your program does work. I am the proof because all my three children read. I recently registered my ten year old daughter in Eula public school. They knew I home-school all my children. They were surprised that my daughter has the highest reading comprehension score than anyone in their fifth and sixth grade classes. I put my daughter in public school because she wants to experience the school system and have P.E., Music, and interaction with other students for two years.

Cheri Walters (Alpha-Phonics Testimonials)  


Did you know every year many 1,000’s of parents teach their own children to READ? Many of them have used  Alpha-Phonics because they have found it can easily be used to teach their children to read. Your Kids can make a lot of headway in only a couple of weeks with this proven program.  Alpha-Phonics is easy to teach, is always effective and requires no special training for the Parent.   It works !  And it is  very inexpensive.  You CAN DO it !!  Follow the links below to know all about the time-tested (38 + years) Alpha-Phonics program:

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A Phonics Comeback in Ohio

It appears that another knowledgeable individual is waving the banner for phonics in Ohio:

Literacy reforms coming to Ohio classrooms.

by Aaron Churchill in the Akron Beacon-Journal

Significant changes in reading curriculum and instruction are coming to Ohio elementary schools — and they couldn’t come soon enough.

For decades, ineffective methods have plagued classrooms, leaving too many students struggling to read. A recent survey from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce found that two of the most popular curricula statewide are Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell’s Classroom and Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study. Districts large and small — rural, suburban and urban — have bought and installed these reading programs in their schools. Yet both are notorious for promoting the harmful practice of three-cueing, a technique that prompts children to guess at words based on pictures or other “cues,” instead of sounding out letters to recognize words (i.e., phonics). Empirical research has clearly demonstrated the vast superiority (our emphasis)of phonics over cueing techniques.

Well, to tens of thousands of successful Alpha-Phonics learners, this is not news!

Alpha-Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Readers
Blumenfeld, Samuel L and Rayborn Dawson, Meg


Posted in education, education reform, homeschooling, Phonics, Reading, schools, teaching, tutoring | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Women Shouldered Most of Kids’ In-home Schooling Needs During Early Pandemic

(We don’t think this comes as much of a surprise…)

Close up photo of a child's hand holding a pencil and filling in a school worksheet.

February 21, 2024 By Laurel White

Women took on more education-related childcare responsibilities than men during the first several months of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this disparity was even sharper for some lower-income women, according to a new University of Wisconsin–Madison study.

The study, published in the journal Sociology, found that daily time spent helping children with education-related activities, such as virtual schooling, homework and school projects, decreased for men in 2020 compared to previous years. For women, that daily time commitment more than doubled. For low-income women living in areas with widespread childcare facility closures during the pandemic, the increase in time was even steeper.

The study used 2020 data from the U.S. Database of Child Care Closures, a public database created by researchers at Columbia University, along with several years of daily time use data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Use Survey.

Read more. . .

These first three paragraphs are probably the most valuable. After these the author argues for more government aid and intervention, which you may or may not agree with. We, of course, happen to know many mothers who taught their kids to read during this time and/or took over the schooling of their kids completely. So, all in all, the turn towards homeschooling was and has been largely driven by moms who could not stand by and watch their kids fall behind. And they also soon realized that using phonics to teach their kids to read is the basis for all learning to follow.


Alpha-Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Readers
Blumenfeld, Samuel L and Rayborn Dawson, Meg



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Hey! It’s National School Choice Week!

Every day has at least one thing for which it is a “National Day” – there are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. And, of course, every week is a “National Week” for something. Most are frivolous attempts at marketing but occasionally one comes along that we can really get behind, and this is one of them.

At the website for  NSCW (National School Choice Week, of course) they walk us through the subject and begin with a definition: “School choice means giving parents access to the best K-12 education options for their children. These options include traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling.”

Most of us don’t really need to be told this but it’s nice to see it so concisely put. The website turns out to actually be quite a valuable resource. It begins with a search feature that will help you find a school nearby of whatever type you might be interested. This in itself could save a lot of time and frustration and might be just what you need to get started.

Want to know what the situation is in your state, particularly regarding non-traditional choices? It can help you discover this as well.

One feature that looks interesting is the “Ultimate guide to each kind of school”. You may find a school choice you weren’t aware of or about which you want to learn more.

There’s lots more to discover and the website turns out to be a well thought out approach to school choice that will be very handy to a lot of parents.

We urge you to go see for yourself why this is one National Week that is indeed worth while!  Click Here: NSCW

Know someone who is straining at the bit wanting to learn to read? You can’t do better than Alpha-Phonics, with a track record of more than forty years and teaching tens of thousands to read!

Alpha-Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Readers
Blumenfeld, Samuel L and Rayborn Dawson, Meg
Posted in education, homeschooling, National School Choice Week, Phonics, Reading, schools, teaching | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Savant who Knew his Mother’s Love (part 3/3)

(continued from The Savant Who Knew his Mother’ Love, part 2) 

May’s Miracle

Then, in his sixteenth year, something May calls “The Miracle” occurred.

The family had been in bed for hours. About 3:00 a.m. May awoke and thought she heard music. Assuming that Joe had left the television on, she got up to turn it off. But when she walked into the living room, the television was dark and silent. The music was coming from Leslie’s bedroom.

She opened the door and saw her son sitting at the piano, playing Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1. The music was Liberace’s theme song, and he had heard it numerous times on television.

Leslie had never played a note of music in his life, but now he was playing like a professional, racing up and down the keys, never missing a note, as if he’d been practicing for years.

May fell down on her knees and cried. And laughed. And cried again. She ran for Joe. They were both on their knees for most of the night, praising God and thanking Him for giving their boy the gift of music. At last, God had given him a talent. And what a wonderful talent!

Playing the Piano, Singing & Finally Talking

The Lemke’s household was filled with new life. Over the following years Leslie’s skill continued to improve. After a while he added singing, and finally he began to talk. He began performing at his home and at weddings. Their world began to expand around the growing recognition of the nearly lifeless boy who began playing piano like a master. Newspapers, television, and magazines spread the story. This patient and loving woman had been given her miracle, and he never missed an opportunity to tell about it.

What had May known? She knew the power of love, and she believed in the faithfulness of God. What did Joe know? He knew the power of teamwork, and he got behind every whim his wife threw his way. He knew to love his wife as Christ loved the church.

Leslie came to be known as a Savant. This word describes a person who is born with very little ability, who then, for reasons which baffle the greatest of scientists, develop a unique brilliance in some specific area. Roughly interpreted, the word savant means one who knows.

What did Leslie know? He knew his mother’s love.

Turning things Around

As May aged, she began suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. During her final days, Leslie returned that love. He continued playing the piano for her, and something new began to happen. The now emotionless and quiet May began coming alive to the sounds of Leslie’s playing, raising her hands to the heavens, and singing hymns with him, like How Great Thou Art and Our Father. She was now the failing one, and Leslie the caregiver.

People Magazine covers the Leslie Lemke story

Love and the Brain

This story is not about reading instruction. Leslie was blind, and May did not know braille. This is a story about teaching — at the Master level. With the faith and willingness of May Lemke, anyone can see positive results.

May’s desire was to bring hope and purpose into her son’s life. This should become our purpose as we teach our loved ones to read. Most of all, we must never forget May’s secret ingredient. Love.

This three part story was taken from the book

Dyslexic No More: Saved by the ABC’s

by Meg Rayborn Dawson

MA, Exceptional Student Education (Univ. of W. Florida) emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis

MS, psychology (Grand Canyon University)       Bachelor of Arts (Northwest Nazarene Univ.)



Did you know every year many 1,000’s of parents teach their own children to READ? Many of them have used  Alpha-Phonics because they have found it can easily be used to teach their children to read. Your Kids can make a lot of headway in only a couple of weeks with this proven program.  Alpha-Phonics is easy to teach, is always effective and requires no special training for the Parent.   It works !  And it is  very inexpensive.  You CAN DO it !!  Follow the links below to know all about the time-tested (38 + years) Alpha-Phonics program:

Posted in education, homeschooling, Meg Rayborn Dawson, Phonics, Reading, Reviews of Alpha-Phonics, teaching, tutoring | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Savant who Knew His Mother’s Love (part 2/3)

continued from:

The Savant who Knew his Mother’s Love (part 1/3) 

Leslie Lemke in concert

… Shipped Out to America

Skipping ahead to adulthood, May became engaged to a soldier, following the urging of her mother. He was a man that Maria Hansen had helped during the war. By age eighteen May was an American wife.

Her first marriage had wonderful adventures of its own, and it saw five children into the world. But I will fast-forward this part of her life, through the raising of her family and her eventual widowhood, then to a new marriage, and to the day when she received her final charge. When Leslie came into her life.


When May first saw her new son, she remembered that her mother had used slippery elm powder for sick babies. So, she mixed this with milk and a little sugar.

“Try a little, love. You’ll like this,” she said softly. Leslie didn’t seem to understand He lay motionless, his tongue pushing out the nipple. “Suck, baby, you must suck it in.” May encouraged. Still, he lay motionless.

May put her mouth against his cheek, making loud sucking sounds. Then she put the bottle in his mouth, hoping he might catch on. She kept up the procedure most of the afternoon, sucking on the baby’s cheek and putting the bottle in his mouth, over and over again. As the warm milk trickled down his throat, he grew bolder. Pretty soon he was sucking with the zest of a normal, healthy infant. May danced with him around the room. “Baby,” she cried out, “you’re going to live!”

May and Joe Lemke with Leslie

Another natural cure employed by May was for his eye sockets. They were still red and were showing new signs of infection. It was a boric acid solution which she used, until the eye sockets were healed, and the lids lay down naturally. The baby rarely cried or whimpered. He hardly moved. His arms and legs were limp, and when she lifted them, they dropped down. She couldn’t tell when he was awake or asleep.




Joe and May Lemke

Days, months, and years passed between the smallest indications of any developmental change. After a year she gradually introduced solid food, and eventually moved away from bottles and poured water into his throat, which was the only way to help him drink. Through the years, May refused to listen to suggestions from friends and family. Even her own children encouraged her to put Leslie into an institution. She replied with the same steadfast faith.

“I know God can do things,” May said, “If He can do them for others, then He can do them for me!” But I do think I’ve waited long enough, she thought to herself. She decided to go home and wait a little longer.

May cuddled Leslie in her arms every day, rocking him and singing softly to him. “I want him to know that he’s loved,” she said over and over again to Joe, “to know he has a mother and a father who love him just like other children.”

Despite May’s gentleness, Leslie always tensed, startled, as if he were frightened whenever she picked him up. He never relaxed his body against her like a normal baby. He was more like a plastic baby, rigid, with rarely a cry, never a smile.

But May refused to give up. “Children respond to love, she told Joe. “They can feel it in your body when you hold them close. I know he’ll feel it eventually. It just takes more time with a child like this.”

Until Leslie was seven years old, May always carried him. He was then fifty pounds, and it was evident that she would not be able to continue. She was nearly sixty years old. So, she created an apparatus to strap him to her back and walked with him as he dragged his motionless feet behind. By age nine, when there was not yet a single sign of his attempting to walk, she came up with another idea. Since they lived beside a lake, she encouraged Joe to take him swimming. This became a daily routine. Yet there was still no sign of movement from the child. When Leslie was ten, he took his first step.

A New Prayer

When Leslie was twelve years old, May began to pray a new prayer for her son. She prayed that he might have a gift, something to give his life meaning. Several times a day, she implored, “Dear Lord, the Bible says that you gave each of us a talent. Please help me find the talent in this poor boy who lies there most of the day and does nothing.”

The next major episode in Leslie’s life was the one which led to his worldwide recognition as a pianist. May had noticed him plucking on strings. In May’s eyes, he was making music. This was the talent she had asked for. So she bought him a piano, put it in his room and began playing little songs with him. She helped him listen to records, radio, and television. This became his new routine.

He often sat listening to records or radio for hours, head down, serious, intense, a study in concentration. Sometimes his foot or hand even moved methodically with the beat.

May’s Miracle… to be continued

The Savant who Knew his Mother’s Love (part 3) 

This three part story was taken from the book:

Dyslexic No More: Saved by the ABC’s

by Meg Rayborn Dawson

MA, Exceptional Student Education (Univ. of W. Florida) emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis

MS, psychology (Grand Canyon University)       Bachelor of Arts (Northwest Nazarene Univ.)


Did you know every year many 1,000’s of parents teach their own children to READ? Many of them have used  Alpha-Phonics because they have found it can easily be used to teach their children to read. Your Kids can make a lot of headway in only a couple of weeks with this proven program.  Alpha-Phonics is easy to teach, is always effective and requires no special training for the Parent.   It works !  And it is  very inexpensive.  You CAN DO it !!  Follow the links below to know all about the time-tested (38 + years) Alpha-Phonics program:

Posted in education, homeschooling, Phonics, Reading, teaching, tutoring | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Savant who Knew His Mother’s Love (part 1/3)


Joe and I are different from other people. We just accept things when God puts them before us. It’s like accepting what you have to do in life. Things come at you, and you don’t say, “Am I going to do it?” You say, “Now, how am I going to do it?” 

May Lemke

Occasionally, we learn of extraordinary teachers. They excel above all others. We can only sit back and marvel at their work. They just seem to know, without any explanation of how or why they know. This is the story of one such teacher, who raised a severely handicapped child. It is told in Shirlee Monty’s book May’s Boy: An Incredible Story of Love. (May shares the copywrite as a joint author.)

Leslie was received into the home of Joe and May Lemke at the age of six months. May was told that he wouldn’t live long. He had been born prematurely and weighed only three pounds at birth. He was palsied, and his limbs were limp. His eyes had been removed due to infection, and his parents were unable to care for him.

When May first looked at the child, she was brought to tears. She was 52 years old and had already raised five children of her own. Yet, she accepted the challenge with an unwavering faith which kept her strong through the next four decades with Leslie.



“Oh, Joe, he looks terrible! So forlorn, so long and thin and helpless. But God loves all children, even this little creature. We’ll just see what we can do.”


Joe Lemke


May’s Childhood Education

May was born in the summer of 1900 in an English fishing village. Her father was a shipbuilder who was often deployed by the royal service, and he was absent for much of her childhood. Her mother was a nurse and midwife with a workable knowledge of herbs and home remedies.  She was the mother of ten, yet always generous with her services. She often welcomed beggars and war victims into her home. Her policy was to never turn anyone away because you never know who it’s going to be.

May and Leslie Lemke


May’s earliest behaviors foreshadowed who she was to become.

May’s prized possession for many years was the rag doll her mother had made for her when she was just two. She carried the doll everywhere, including to meals, where she kept up a constant conversation with her child. “Now, mind your manners. Stay clean and neat whilst you eat!” When one of her brothers accidentally sat on the doll one morning, May spent the rest of the day nursing it back to health.

May wandered throughout their village visiting new and interesting places, often to be brought home by helpful adults who told about the delightful things she had said and done. Her childhood could have easily been the inspiration of the Eleanor Porter book Pollyanna. Like Pollyanna, she showed love and care to everyone with perpetual and contagious joy. She never missed an opportunity to help or encourage another.

At the untimely death of her 11-year-old brother, she was not yet two years old and stayed next to her mother, from when the injured boy came home, until he died shortly after. Following this tragedy she voluntarily adopted the role as a comforter to her bereaved mother who dubbed her a little ray of gold.

It was the custom for the village children to begin their schooling at age 3 and stay in school until they were 12. Boys were introduced to trades and girls were taught basic homemaking skills, like housekeeping, mending, cooking, cleaning, and needlework. The first world war interrupted May’s youth with new tragedies. She lost 4 brothers and her father, as well as most of her uncles, male cousins, and friends. When supply ships were sunk, food became scarce. It was through her mother’s foresight and planning that she was able to eat.

Before England entered the war, Maria Hansen [May’s mother], anticipating the worst, began to put a bit of strawberry jam in a large stone jar every day. She covered and sealed it with rice paper so it wouldn’t spoil. The children always wondered what it was for.

Later… she lined up May and her three younger sisters and said, “You were always wondering why I did this. I knew things were going to be bad. There’s no food for us now, so this teaspoon of jam will be your meal for today. It will get you by.”

Mrs. Hansen had another method for warding off hunger. She told her children to pick up a fresh piece of tar in the street and to chew on it. She said it would keep their teeth nice and lessen the pain of hunger. So the children chewed tar, and it helped – some.

May’s Trial by Fire

When May was fourteen, she joined the war effort, working in a munitions building. She assembled bags of TNT and filled shells with explosives. After a year she began transporting sixty-pound shells, pushing a trolley to and from the loading deck where they were then put on trucks.

An atmosphere of melancholy prevailed at the munitions factory, for most of the girls were older than May and had boyfriends or husbands fighting in France. May was always trying to cheer them up by laughing, singing, and dancing. On one of those days when she had everybody laughing and singing, May’s bright little world collapsed.

The girls had finished loading a trolley, and May was starting to push it away. They were singing: “There’s a long, long trail a-winding, into the land of my dreams.” On the word dreams, there was a deafening roar. The trolley blew up, throwing fiery fragment of explosives in every direction.

The joyful encourager was thrown thirty feet, rendered unconscious and badly burned. All of her hair was blown off, and her teeth were gone. Her thyroid was damaged which stopped her growth from this point on, at the grand height of four and a half feet. Her face required several surgeries, but it was still scarred. One foot was burned badly and permanently deformed, requiring her to relearn how to walk.

Lessons from the war included both sorrow and pain, still this little Pollyanna transformed the experiences into a loving compassion and an even greater desire to help others. Before long she resumed her training as a nurse-governess, which had been interrupted by the war. She worked under an experienced Nanny where she learned about childbirth and childcare.

 Shipped Out to America… The Savant who Knew his Mother’s Love (part 2) 

This three part story was taken from the book

Dyslexic No More: Saved by the ABC’s

by Meg Rayborn Dawson

MA, Exceptional Student Education (Univ. of W. Florida) emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis

MS, psychology (Grand Canyon University)       Bachelor of Arts (Northwest Nazarene Univ.)


Did you know every year many 1,000’s of parents teach their own children to READ? Many of them have used  Alpha-Phonics because they have found it can easily be used to teach their children to read. Your Kids can make a lot of headway in only a couple of weeks with this proven program.  Alpha-Phonics is easy to teach, is always effective and requires no special training for the Parent.   It works !  And it is  very inexpensive.  You CAN DO it !!  Follow the links below to know all about the time-tested (38 + years) Alpha-Phonics program:

Posted in education, homeschooling, May Lemke, Phonics, Reading, teaching, The Mother who Willed a Miracle, tutoring | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Science of Reading – Why we Should Read to our Children

Build Vocabularies:


When you have an idea, do you have enough words to express it?

If you need a new word, where do you find it?

If you answered that you “just know it from memory,” then how did it get into your brain’s word memory bank?

The truth is, words need to be taught. During the earliest years of life, children are listening and learning, even before they are born. They are being taught by environmental sources of language – people, news channels, game videos – or from wherever words are being spoken. The more words children hear, the more words they will ultimately use when reading, speaking and writing. The type of words children learn will affect the audiences they will be able to address without criticism.

Children who sit quietly and listen during adult conversations will benefit by gaining  specialized vocabularies related to the particular interests of those adults. Children who sit alone, listening to electronic devices, will be impacted in either positive or negative ways depending on what they are listening to.

This information, alone, should cause us to care about what words our children are exposed to. What are they hearing? What are they learning? What will they be saying?

Neuroscience Guides Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage

According to the French neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene, reading bedtime stories to children, beginning from toddlerhood and continued through their growing-up years, strengthens their brain circuits for language and helps them learn to understand texts and formulate complex thoughts.

(Dehaene has spent several years studying the results of fMRI scans and has reported back to the world at large about how the brain reads. His discoveries have changed how we think about the child’s acquisition of language and how it impacts the ability to read. Dehaene also recommends reading to the child in the womb. According to Dehaene babies are born with a preference for listening to their native language which he says implies that language learning starts in the womb.)

Cultural Activities and Traditions

Fingerplay, Nursery Rhymes and Children’s songs are often passed down through families from grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other loved ones.

Some children’s songs have dances that go with them. When movement is added to the human interaction, the benefit of multisensory activities on the brain is added to the mix.


Research from the University of Melborne

A group of scientists (University of Melborne: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) have recently reported what they learned when examining the impact of a person’s early exposure to words. I recommend reading this report, but for now here are two key facts from their findings, published online at: Reading to Young Children: A Head-Start in Life

A Direct Effect on School Outcomes: “The frequency of reading to children at a young age has a direct causal effect on their schooling outcomes regardless of their family background and home environment.”

Higher Achievement Scores: “Children read to more frequently at age 4-5 achieve higher scores on the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests for both Reading and Numeracy in Year 3 (age 8 to 9).

Impacting Young Minds is in Our Hands

The science references in this short blog should be enough to convince us of how great an influence we have when we interact with children. Even if we don’t have children of our own we can wield that influence by volunteering in our communities. New readers are always in need of someone they can read to. We can be those someones. Volunteer!

If you don’t read with the children of our community, who will?



by Meg Rayborn Dawson
author of: Dyslexic No More: Saved by the ABC’s

MS: Exceptional Student Education (Univ. of W. Florida) emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis
MA: psychology (Grand Canyon University)
BA: (NW Nazarene University)


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Learning to Read Versus Learning to Love Reading

[We found this very interesting and valuable article on the website “Tulsa Kids” and would like to share it with you!)

Overhead View Of Girl Lying On Bed And Reading Book

Learning how to read is a major accomplishment for a child. Once achieved, a whole new world opens up for children because they can now independently read about topics that interest them. You may picture your child happily reading in a favorite chair and anticipate many visits to the library to check out a book about a favorite hero, mystery or snake. Sadly, this happy scenario may not happen.

The enjoyment of reading does not necessarily follow when children learn how to decode words and comprehend what the words are saying. Scholastic’s 2019 Kids & Family Reading Survey found that the percentage of children who read for pleasure actually drops as they get older. In the study, 57% of 8-year-olds reported reading for fun five to seven days each week compared to only 35% of 9-year-olds. The rapid decline in children who said they actually enjoyed reading is even more disturbing. When 8-year-olds in the same study were asked if they enjoyed reading, 40% answered positively. By the time children turned 9, only 28% had a positive response to the same question. You would think that the 9-year-olds’ greater familiarity with reading skills and comprehension would also increase their enjoyment of reading. So why does literacy not necessarily lead to a love of reading?

Literacy and the enjoyment of reading are two very different things. Literacy refers to the ability to read and write. Developing literacy is an important goal in early childhood classrooms. Oklahoma’s current literacy curriculum is based on the Science of Reading (SoR) and includes teaching phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Teachers are encouraged to follow a highly scripted, task-oriented curriculum in order to teach each of these skills. So why isn’t all of this literacy instruction leading to a widespread love of reading?

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Be a hero – teach a child to read with Alpha-Phonics! https://bit.ly/415PviC

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